
5 min read

5 Setbacks to Be Analyzed for Redesigning Website

A few years back, you started your business with endeavor. You have also kept in mind that a business flourishes if it has strong online presence. For that reason, you have launched your website. Are you getting the desired sales conversions as before? If the figure has dropped, there is nothing to worry about. The only thing you need to do is to overhaul your site and a reputed website design company will help you to realize your goals.

Time is limited. Resources are scarce. Experimenting by putting forward a hypothesis may consume more time and you will be left behind the competition. Smartly look for these signs and make decisions accordingly.

Site Does Not Work Well on Mobile

For the past a few years, the information searching process has undergone a transformation. Nowadays, people use mobile phones often to access the Internet. If your site is not responsive, then it will have an adverse effect on user experience. The only solution is to observe the mobile browsing trends and adopt the responsive design for your site. In other words, it is a full-proof solution to enhance your market share.

If you don’t already have a mobile app for your website, watch this video.

Web Pages Are in Flash

If your website still uses flash, you are at a loss. Flash has become outdated some five years back. As you already know that most of the information searches are carried out on mobile devices including iPad and iPhone, Flash is not supported.

Even search engines like Bing, Google or Yahoo does not support Flash, which is terrible for SEO. Users have to install a plugin to view your contents. This distracting factor makes the visitors leave your site. If you still want to give a classy, animated look to your site, you can deploy HTML5 that is compatible with all smartphones and browsers.

Low SEO Rankings

Search engine giant like Google changes search engine algorithms often in order to provide unique results to users. If your site ranks low during organic searches, then it is time to facelift your website.

You need to change your content strategy. Previously, websites attained visibility with keyword rich contents. Now, you have to add contents that are unique and relevant to users, by following the latest SEO trends. Then only your online presence can strengthen.

Not Able to Perform Conversions

If the web analytics show lesser visits per page or high bounce rate, then it is strong signal that visitors are not finding your site useful. When you analyze ROI from your website and find unsatisfactory results, then you have to conclude that conversion opportunities have not been set up yet.

You have to re-evaluate your marketing strategies and see whether it matches with your audience personas. Accordingly, you have to redesign your website so that there is an increment in qualified traffic and leads.

Slow Loading Time

Many consumers nowadays expect a web page to load within two seconds. What does this indicate? If your site is slow, you not only disappoint your prospects, the search engine rankings are getting affected as well. A reputed web design company has many ways to improve the loading time. Just hire it.

Your website is an investment. Observing trends in usage is essential for redesigning a site. By providing an engaging experience, sales conversions can be achieved.

Let us help you get started on the right path to redesigning your website with our Simple Starter package.



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